Thursday, February 24, 2011

Man On The Street Interview

Man on the Street Interview

Egypt and Libya - Interview

Vanessa Gillon- Man on the Street interview

Paris Pittman: Man on the street interview

Laura Kate Tutton's Man on the Street

Glenna Lusk's "Man on the Street" Interview

Bradley Boleware's Man on the Street Interview

"Man on the Street" Interview

Monday, February 21, 2011

Submit your 'Man-on-the-Street' Flip Links Here

Remember, submit only the YouTube links or web addresses here. 

Do not try to submit the full videos. See Bb for more info.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Yoo Interview

1) What did you think about the caliber of Stewart's questions?

I really was impressed by Stewarts questions. Having never watched the Daily Show I thought he was a very good reporter. After reading the article though I did start to think he was trying to hard to nail Yoo. And the article brought up some good points by saying that he should not have asked such open ended questions and left some other questions out that viewers would have liked to know the answer to.

2) Do you think the article writer's assertions are correct or do you disagree?

I thin they're correct. Stewart could have improved and I believe that that is why he later 'apologized' for not nailing Yoo. Not everyone is perfect, and has the perfect interview every time though so I feel like he should get some slack for this one slip up.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Assignment Due Friday, Feb. 18 – Post Your Responses to This Article

Read this article and post your reactions to it below. The article focuses on a year-old interview Jon Stewart conducted with John Yoo, a former official in the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel who wrote the so-called “torture memos." Be sure and also watch the interview here. I think the link in the article is a dead link. 

1) What did you think about the caliber of Stewart's questions?

2) Do you think the article writer's assertions are correct or do you disagree?

Your response should answer both questions.

You need to post your responses before the start of class.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Recent Decision on the Ole Miss Mascot

Why Ole Miss?

Technical Difficulties

First, I accidentally deleted the first interview I did. So, I did another one. Now, I have been trying for the past hour and a half to upload my new interview. It has yet to finish uploading. I don't know what the issue is.

Parking on Campus

Interview With Tarra

Interview with Campbell Hunt

Mascot interview 1 and 2


3 Serious Questions About Gas Prices..

Underage Drinking

Interview with Kyle Ishman

Greek Life

Friday, February 11, 2011

Flip Cam Interviews – Originally Due Feb. 11

JOUR 102: Upload your video here by attaching it OR by linking to it via a YouTube web address. Directions follow. If you have trouble with the following options, simply e-mail me your video to the following address:

To attach your videos here, click on the "posting" tab and 1) give your post a title, and 2) type in text (optional); 3) click on the film strip icon (the second icon from the right at the top; it allows you to "add video") 4) choose your video from your files, give it a title, check the box and "click upload video," 5) then click "publish post."

Another option is for you to save your video as a YouTube file and post the link here. You'll have to set up a YouTube account, if you don't have one. Once you've done that, post the link by 1) typing in text, and highlight the text that you want to be linked. 2) After highlighting, click on the chain-link icon, next to the color palette at the top. 2) paste the YouTube web address for your link in the window that pops up. 3) Click publish post.

* You must post your video online before class meets Monday. *

Those who did not present their videos in class Friday, must do so on Monday, Feb. 14, for assignment credit. Failure to do so will earn a zero.