Thursday, May 5, 2011

The War in the Middle East

...and Ole Miss

The War on Terror is one that the United States has been engulfed in for nearly ten years. Many Americans move on with their daily lives and have all but forgotten about the U.S’ involvement in the war. However for one Ole Miss student the country's involvement in the war touches close to home.

Carl Case, is a freshman Psychology and Spanish major here at the University of Mississippi and his father, also named Carl, serves in the United States Army.

"He is currently on his 2nd tour in the Middle East. His first was in Afghanistan now he is stationed in Iraq," Case said of his father.

Case talked of how it was hard for him going day to day and not knowing if his father was alive or not. "It's hard in a way, because we lack that strong central family figure. At home we try to maintain a cohesive family unit. My mother tries to be a disciplinarian, but its hard with 2 boys, especially when juggling school and a part-time job."

"It just gets hard sometimes with all the news of soldiers being wounded and killed overseas."

After months of dismail reports coming out of the Middle East on the United States efforts overseas, the country recently got a ray of hope.

Al Qaida's top man, the the world's best known terrorist, Osama bin Laden had been killed by American ground troops in the middle east.

"I think that Osama's death was a great effort by the U.S. It was very beneficial to the U.S because it has united everyone and helped produce more patriotism. Most importantly its helping boasting the moral of the troops," Case said.

Often times we get to hear what people back in the United States feel about the war. However, we never get the opportunity to hear how the soldiers feel about the United States involvement overseas. "My father is enthused by the U.S's efforts has is very happy that the people back home can see tangible results. He also thinks it will be a moral boast for the rest of the soldiers."

The War is one that will continue at least until the United States has brought about a significant end to the large magnitude that the terrorist group Al Qaida has over the Middle

East. For Carl this means that he and his family have to go without their father just that much longer. However, for Carl he knows that at this point his father much more than just a father.

"I get sleep at night knowing that my dad is risking his life to make sure that me, my family, and my friends can maintain the freedoms that we so rightly deserve.

Case, whose father is currently in Iraq, posed with one of his good friends Maddie Fumi.

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