Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ariel Ladner-YouTube

I personally agree with the author of the article. Journalism is constantly taking new directions in the way things are delivered. People demand the here and now and aren't patiently waiting for the news anymore. Journalists are now not the only one's putting the news out for the world to see. Youtube has made an example of how anyone can be famous by putting a video out on the internet and exposing themselves for the world to see. I think the author kind of surveyed the world today especially that of the internet and realized that things are changing and just by a click of the button on the internet everything can change. But, with that being said, I don't believe that youtube is necessarily a news source. Sure, it helped make Justin Bieber famous, but only because Usher helped. It's a great way to help people get recognized, but it isn't everything and I think Journalists, true journalists, are still needed today.

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